Unnecessary Knowledge



6:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Quite simply, it's a show filled with a lot of useless knowledge. Did you know that ladybugs shoot acid through their knees or that Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to s-l-o-w film down so you could see his moves? No? Well listen in to Unnecessary Knowledge and you'll hear a bucket load more of pointless facts... maybe. Oh, we also play music and host some guests sometimes. 

Pure and simple, it’s a pop culture show. We play a host of new and old music and harness the hosts' wide knowledge of useless information that relates (but not always) to these songs.   


29 January, 2025

Western FreewayTV FamilyLOCAL 06:00:00
Wet BanditsYonderLOCAL 06:06:00
The StemsAt First SightAUS 06:10:00
Porridge RadioDon't Want To Dance 06:14:00
Viagra BoysMan Made Of Meat 06:19:00
SquidBuilding 650 06:23:00
Art BrutThe Replacements 06:30:00
The FauvesUnderstanding KyussAUS 06:34:00
DeliveryWhat ForAUS 06:39:00
MinersKeeps Me Waitin'AUS 06:42:00
PlacementInertia/Heavy LidsAUS 06:46:00
DiggingCan't Hide From YouLOCAL 06:51:00
Plastic CheesesAnd Then I Think About YouAUS 06:54:00
Smallest HorseGroceriesLOCAL 07:05:00
ShrapnelFountains Of UteAUS 07:08:00
Olivia's WorldSourgumLOCAL 07:12:00
SebadohLicense To Confuse 07:16:00
The MediaUp In The AirLOCAL 07:21:00
Built To SpillStop The Show 07:26:00
HouseplantsFeeding Myself To The Chia PetLOCAL 07:40:00
The RaptureHouse Of Jealous Lovers 07:45:00
Ed Kuepper With Jim WhiteThe Crying DanceLOCAL 07:51:00
Mess EsqueTake Me To Your Infinite GardenLOCAL 07:55:00
DeerhunterAgoraphobia 08:03:00
MogwaiHi Chaos 08:09:00
PJ HarveyGuilty 08:15:00
The D4Come On!AUS 08:25:00
Guitar WolfJet Generation 08:27:00
Blank RealmBack To The FloodLOCAL 08:36:00
KasabianWhere Did All The Love Go? 08:41:00
The Flaming LipsDo You Realize? 08:46:00
WilcoSpiders (Kidsmoke) 08:50:00