Malaika Mfalme Acknowledge AUS
Ben Lunt Amelia LOCAL
Angus LeggTwo Bithdays AUS
General Mack's GrapeshotMagpie, MagpieAUS
Marike JagerPapillion
Zoe Rain Think About YouAUS
Stefan WestGet What You Give AUS
Julien Baker & TORRESTuesday
Edgar HurleyComing Back to YouAUS
Ruby MaeHindsightAUS
Blue StockingsStrengthLOCAL
Georgie TaylorClarity (Live)LOCAL
Elsie Lange HeatwaveAUS
David Hethorn Be With YouLOCAL
Sam NewtonThis Is Where I Want To BeAUS
Nick GriffithSmoke Stacks AUS
Jade Bird Different Kinds of LightAUS
Wagons Last WishAUS
Emily WurramaraBlack SmokeAUS
Courtney Young FimpAUS